An Investigation of Modern Physics by Brian Williams
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  • Analysing Your Website

    Posted on January 7th, 2014 Brian No comments

    Yesterday, the 6th January 2014,  (after being annoyed at another SEO ‘specialist’ claiming he would improve my web ranking) I decided to carry out a quick analysis of my website. I selected 39 of my posts (Out of 68 published posts). These 39 posts are each ranked in the top 100 in regard to their title, i.e. they are located within the first 10 pages of a web search. I very rarely search further than this myself in any web search.

    Now although this does not comply with ‘Google Ranking’, it is still the way that most people search the web, and if your web post is not in the first 10 pages, most people will not read it.

    Of my 39 posts, 8 of them were were at number 1 on a Google search.

    One of these was number 1 out of 54,000,000 entries. What does this really mean? It certainly does not mean that 54,000,000 people have looked at the post, in fact it could be that only 2 people had looked at the post, but only 1 person had looked at each of the other peoples posts.

    However, the page/ranking position during a web search cannot depend on people searching through 54,000,000 entries to find your post. Google or other search engines must have an auxilliary process to monitor posts. Unfortunately, I have no idea what method they use but whatever it is I am grateful. (I know that it does not depend on employing SEO experts.)

    Most of my posts are written to supply information, some for amusement, some from annoyance, (as in the Shaken Baby posts) and some posing questions.

    The most surprising one for me is Contractors in your home – Hints and Tips. I wrote this after helping out our local Post Office with some advice about roofing repairs and I have given copies to many people including contractors.  Its page ranking is at number 7 out of 1,150,000,000 (the highest search engine list I have ever come across) Note; I have just checked again (7/01/2014) to  ensure that I had not added too many noughts, and find it is at number 1 out of 1,200,000,000 entries. I just cannot understand this. The number of entries has risen by 50, 000, 000 overnight and the post has risen from number 7 to number 1?. Early yesterday I did not even expect this post to be in the first 1000 pages. (Its not on the first 10 pages of Bing or Yahoo).

    A SEO  ‘experts’ Google search produces   11,200,000 claimed experts World wide. A few thousand of these have contacted me over the last 12 months claiming to be able to improve my Google ranking. 11,199,900 of them have been unable to get themselves into the top 100 places. If they were all experts they would all know exactly the same as each other, so how does Google manage to rank them? See ‘What is an ‘Expert Witness?

    Does it depend on hits only? Contractors in your Home has not received many comments since I posted it, so comments received is not indicative of the success of a particular post. I was told that most of the light hearted posts were totally useless for the web, by a genuine computer expert, but posts like ‘The Invisible Crane Fly’  and ‘Strange Wasp Behaviour are’ are at number 1  and number 8 on Google .

    Spam. Is it a help or a hindrance?  In the early days of my web site I did get some spam but very little. Most were just slightly irritating, being requests to contact them about things that I obviously have no interest in, if they had actually even read the post. It was only when some of my posts started to appear in the first 100 entries, did the spam start to drastically increase. This would indicate that spam does not get you up the rankings, and that spammers tend to target posts that are already high in the rankings. Therefore spam is of no help in the rankings. I do not get any spam on my posts relating to the Shaken Baby Syndrome, yet my post ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome and the Justice System’ is at 64 out of 94,800 on Google, and at number 1 out of 2,190,000 on Bing/Yahoo.


    In the list below the posts in BLUE are those included for general interest and which I find very surprising in their ranking.  Some are very serious, some are light hearted. They give ideas for the type of post that can generate high rankings. NOTE: These are not for free publication.

    The remainder are physics related and are covered by the comments in Copyright and Intellectual Rights.


    List of PHYSICS OR FANTASY post positions in top 100.

    6/7th Jan 2014

    Origin of the Golden Section                 49 of  25,200,000        Google

    1+2  of 115,000,000      Bing

    Understanding Vacuum & Pressure       1   of  10,500,000        Bing

    19 of  66,700,000        Google

    Understanding Momentum                       1   of    4,460,000        Bing + Yahoo

    Newton’s Colour Wheel                            5   of    3,720,000        Bing

    Physics or Fantasy                                    3   of   41,000,000       Google

    Colour Filters – The Mechanics                1    of  54,000,000       Google

    Design Problems of Modern                      1    of   11,200,000      Google

    Road Lighting

    Boil or Carbuncle?                                       7    of        277,000      Bing + Yahoo

    91  of        234,000      Google

    Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth          1    of      8,470,000     Google.

    -The Earth Mechanics.

    Understanding Stress & Strain                  2    of      9,830,000     Bing

    8    of   19,200,000     Google

    Lightning Strikes Upwards                           33  of           85,500     Google

    The Invisible Crane Fly                                   1    of          61,300      Bing + Yahoo

    3    of         226,000     Google

    Williams’ Taper Silhouette                              1    of          95,800     Yahoo + Bing

    Experiment                                      1,2,3,4, & 5     of   5,110,000     Google

    Williams’ Taper Slit                   1,2,3,4,5, & 6     of           51,500     Google


    Colour and the Prism                                   1     of     4,474,000     Bing + Yahoo

    Colour Filters – The Mechanics.                 1       of    2,720,000    Yahoo+Bing

    1       of    3,190,000    Google

    Einstein’s Wrong Formula                            1       of         334,000    Bing

    Basic Principles of Research                       1       of  45,900,000    Bing+Yahoo


    Light Passing Through a Dense               2+9   of   26,100,000   Google.


    Projected Light.                                    1+5        of    112,000,000   Yahoo+Bing

    Strange Wasp Behaviour                      8        of         18,700,000   Google

    1        of          88,000   Bing/Yahoo

    Colour Test Bars                                      8        of       254,000,000 Google

    1        of  126,000,000 Bing+Yahoo

    Prams – Design Gone Mad?                  1        of       292,000,000  Yahoo

    1        of        778,000  Google

    1        of 388,000,000  Bing

    Contractors in your Home                     1    of  1,200,000,000  Google (7/01/2014)

    Hints & Tips.

    My Fight with a Prehistoric                   1        of     7,700,000  Yahoo+Bing


    What Happened to the Anti-                 2        of   10,500,000  Bing +Yahoo

    Matter Particles?                                    98      of     25,400,000  Google

    Shaken Baby Syndrome and                 1        of    20,400,000 Bing+Yahoo

    the Justice System.                                69      of               96,900  Google

    Physics in the News                         7+11      of      48,100,000  Google

    6       of     47,900,000 Bing/Yahoo


    The  Difference Between                1       of      6,270,000  Google

    Reflected Light and

    Projected Light                                     1      of    44,600,000  Bing



    Author – Brian Williams

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